What exactly is Numerology and how does it work? It is generally believed that Numerology dates back over 2,500 years and is found in the ancient cultures of Egypt, Babylon, ancient India, Greece, Italy, and even China and Japan. It’s essentially an ancient system of translating letters of the alphabet into numerical values in order to decode the fundamental nature of a person, a physical thing, or an abstract concept. Pythagoras (b. 570 BC) usually gets most of the credit for modern-day Numerology as we know it, although there seems to be almost no evidence to support this claim. More evidence supports the fact that Pythagoras was probably more of a philosopher and a mystic, rather than a mathematician. He believed that the cosmos was ordered and that there were meaningful numerical relationships. He was considered an expert on the fate of the human soul (believing in immortality and reincarnation), as well as religious rituals of his day. He was deified in some ways for the strict moral code by which he lived, improving his chances for better outcomes in the world hereafter. Still, regardless of any solid proof, Pythagoras is often thought of as “The Father of Numerology” and it is the “Pythagorean Chart” that is most commonly used in modern day readings. Essentially, the numbers one through nine are assigned to each letter of the alphabet in rotation, whereby A=1, B=2, C=3 and so on. The numbers are then added up until a single-digit number is attained, the only exception being the Master Numbers of 11 and 22. Each final number then has certain personality traits and characteristics as described below.
Numerology believes that within each person exists a divinely encoded numerical value which illuminates his or her characteristics, personality, purpose and destiny. Numerology uses both the full birth name (as it appears on the birth certificate) and birth date to create a singular profile. There are five Core Numbers: Life Path, Destiny, Soul, Personality and Maturity. The full name of a person corresponds with the Destiny Number, and the first name alone is one piece used to interpret the whole energy of a person’s code for success. For a full name reading and other Numerology-rerelated tools, please register now. Whether or not you agree with this mystical symbolism, we provide this information as another device in helping our users arrive at the perfect name!
Independent, Individualistic, Ambitious, Strong-willed, Inventive, Successful
The number one personality is a leader – strong and competitive. They are willing to initiate action and take risks. One personalities work hard toward their endeavors and have the ability to apply their creative and innovative thinking skills with strong determination. They believe in their ability to succeed and are too stubborn to be hindered by obstacles. Ones meet obstacles head-on with such mental vigor and energy that you better step aside. They resent taking orders, so don’t try telling them what to do either. This is an intensely active personality, but they are also known as starters rather than finishers. They have a propensity to become bored and will move quickly to the next project if not properly challenged. They are the ones to think up and put into action new and brilliant ideas, but they are not the ones to stick around and manage them. This personality has an enthusiastic and pioneering spirit. They are distinctly original.
Cooperative, Considerate, Compassionate, Nurturing, Sensitive, Patient, Loving, Kind, Gracious, Balanced
The Number 2 personality in numerology is all about cooperation and balance. It’s the number of diplomats and mediators. They are not leaders, but strive rather for harmony in partnerships. These are the peacemakers. Equality and fairness are important in their dealings, and they are willing to share power and responsibility to achieve a harmonious outcome. This personality is calm and patient, waiting for things to evolve instead of pushing aggressively for an outcome. They are good-natured and easy-going, and care deeply on an emotional and spiritual plane. Twos appreciate beauty and nature and are intent on making the world a better place.
Communicative, Creative, Optimistic, Popular, Social, Dramatic, Happy
The Three energy is powerful and enthusiastic. These personalities are cheerful, full of self-expression, and often quite emotional. They have an artistic flair and “gift-of-gab” that makes them natural entertainers. Their joyfulness bubbles over, and their infectious exuberance draws a crowd. The Three personality is like a child – forever young and full of delight. They are charming, witty, and generally happy people. The Three personality lives in the “now” and has a spontaneous nature. Threes seem to live with a bright and seemingly unbreakable aura that attracts others to them. In turn, they are deeply loyal and loving to their friends and family. Luck also has a tendency to favor number Threes.
Dependable, Solid, Practical, Hard-working, Industrious, Studious, Conservative
The number Four personality is marked by stability and discipline. This is the personality that follows the rules and is conservative by nature. They have an earth-bound energy that prefers to build things methodically on top of firm foundations; they don’t cut corners. Fours take their time and don’t like to be hurried. But the outcome of their endeavors is likely to result in some strong and useful structure, which makes them great engineers and inventors. Fours are anything but frivolous or controversial. This is a trustworthy, straight-forward personality that embodies dedication and organization. They are the backbone and anchor in their relationships, careers and communities. They are tidy, punctual, and full of integrity. Hard-work comes naturally to a Four and they are immensely reliable. This is the personality you can always count on.
Freedom-loving, Adventurous, Adaptable, Intellectual, Easygoing, Progressive, Sensual
The number Five personality loves the excitement of life and can easily adapt to all situations. As natural adventurers, these personalities thrive on the new and unexpected and prefer to be in constant motion. It makes them feel alive. They’ll stir up some action if there’s not enough around, and as inherent risk-takers they enjoy pushing the envelope. Naturally rebellious, the Five personality has no fear and never resists change. Traveling and new experiences feed their souls. Fives are very social and attract friends with ease. People love to be around the Five fun-loving and exciting energy. This is also a lucky number in numerology (like the Threes), so fortune seems to shine on them, helped along by their own optimism and good-nature. Fives have a quick wit, a cerebral mind, and are generally very persuasive.
Humanitarian, Community-minded, Family-oriented, Loving, Affectionate, Compassionate, Sensitive
Mystical, Wise, Eccentric, Intuitive, Imaginative, Philosophical, Solitary
Authoritative, Powerful, Tough, Tenacious, Wealthy, Problem-solver, Achiever
Multi-talented, Intuitive, Oneness, Idealistic, Philanthropy, Independent, Perfection
Inspirational, Highly Intuitive, Spiritual Teacher, Extremely Bright, Uplifting, Truth-seeker
The Master Builder, Leader, Large Undertakings, Confidence, Discipline, Organization
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